Drawing on the power of myth to help you meet life's most important challenges, this course will help you discover what you truly want and how to go after it. You will learn new ways to accomplish all your important tasks; to become an everyday hero who, like the great figures of ancient myths, learns through life's adventures to think creatively, choose wisely, and trust your inner resources. The Path of the Everyday Hero course consists of Five (5) Workshop Sessions and Five (5) Challenge Sessions.

The Path of The Everyday Hero – Complete Course

Does your life seem successful, and yet sometimes you have a feeling that it could be more fulfilling? Or is your life working well for you, except in one specific area? Perhaps you ache inside for a meaningful relationship, or your work responsibilities threaten to destroy your personal life. Are you searching for a pursuit that makes life feel worthwhile?

Drawing on the power of myth to help you meet life’s most important challenges, this course will help you discover what you truly want and how to go after it. You will learn new ways to accomplish all your important tasks; to become an everyday hero who, like the great figures of ancient myths, learns through life’s adventures to think creatively, choose wisely, and trust your inner resources. The Path of the Everyday Hero taps into what Joseph Campbell identified as the “instructive power of myth.” By connecting five classic stories to five of life’s most important challenges, you will glean fresh insights for your own ‘hero’s journey.’


Each workshop provides a variety of approaches to awaken your creative spirit and bring your life into alignment with your highest vision. When you translate each of your challenges into a story of the ‘Hero’s Journey,’ you experience a new awareness about the meaning of the challenge and your ability to resolve it. Wherever you may be in life right now, and whatever challenges lie in front of you, ‘The Path of the Everyday Hero’ will help you see your journey in a heroic perspective, and live every day with greater joy, strength, and fulfillment.


Wherever you may be in life right now, and whatever challenges lie in front of you, ‘The Path of the Everyday Hero’ will help you see your journey in a heroic perspective, and live every day with greater joy, strength, and fulfillment.

Here are classic stories and the challenges that you will incorporate into your life journey: 

“Perceval and the Holy Grail,” shows you how to fulfill your true purpose.

“Beauty and the Beast,” teaches you how to create relationships that work for you.

“The Peasant Who Married a Goddess,” helps you discover how to use your inner resources to turn the pressures and stresses of life into success.

“Theseus and the Minotaur,” guides you on a journey to find a way to turn the competing demands of your personal and professional lives into a beneficial synergy.

“Cinderella,” explores values beyond material wealth to enrich your life.

Start out by listening to workshop and then doing a challenge. There is no linear order to the course, so you can jump in where you like. The key is to incorporate the wisdom you’ve gained into your own life mission.

The story of how Zygon developed The Path of the Everyday Hero course began almost 30 years ago. During the 1990’s, Zygon developed and published hundreds of self-improvement programs, and my product development group was constantly searching for new works that met our criteria. In 1993, a member of our team brought The Path of the Everyday Hero book to our attention. We had been working on the release of a series of Joseph Campbell interviews, and were very interested in the concept of mythical stories as metaphors for personal success. The book is incredibly detailed, so our team had a great reservoir of content to work from. The challenge was to distill the essence of the book’s premise, and to create a cohesive course structure that flowed from the workshops to the challenges. We hired some of the best ‘voice’ talent in Seattle to give voice (and life) to these classic tales and we crafted what we think is a great course that if listened to entirely will provide timeless wisdom and practical tools for “mind warriors”. Based on feedback we received, I believe we met the challenge and delivered a course that provides a transformative experience to those who choose to explore the path of the everyday hero.

–Rob Hopping

P.S. For those that want a deeper experience and understanding I would invite them to purchase the book. It’s on Amazon and other booksellers sites.

Workshop Session #1 –  The Path of the Everyday Hero

In this session, you will learn about the ‘hero’s path’ and discover what it means to live as a hero and to live creatively. You will also hear the story “Both Here and Now” which describes how we are all born with the inner resources that give us the power to reach our full potential.


Workshop Session #2 – How Goes Your Battle

In this session, you will assess where you are on your personal journey, learn to recognize your challenges, and to prioritize your battles.


Workshop Session #3 –  The Creative Process

In this workshop, you will learn how the Everyday Hero’s creative process works, and discover your creative strengths. You will also learn the six basic steps of the creative process: Preparation, Frustration, Incubation, Strategizing, Illumination, and Verification.


Workshop Session #4  –  The Hero’s Journey in Myth and Everyday Life

 In this workshop, you will learn the basic components of your journey to success. You will discover how the Hero’s Journey parallels your life, and  a list of stories that could exemplify your personal journey. You’ll also hear the story of sleeping beauty – a metaphor for the path of the everyday hero.


Challenge Session #1 – Discovering Your True Purpose

The story of “Perceval and the Holy Grail” will inspire you to reflect on your own personal path through life. You will discover the gift of your inner resources and what your life’s vision should be.


Challenge Session #2 – Bringing Love Into Your Life

“Beauty and the Beast” is a story about compassion that can lead to extraordinary relationships. This Challenge will help you learn to ‘see with your heart’ to know the good intentions of people, and to understand their fears and yearnings.


Challenge Session #3 – Living Stress Free in the Here and Now

In “The Peasant Who Married a Goddess” you will learn how to use time to your advantage, and to live a ‘stress free’ life. You will also be guided through a meditation that can be used anytime to relax your mind and body.


Challenge Session #4 – Achieving Personal and Professional Balance

“Theseus and the Minotaur” shows you a hero who chooses to give more attention to the professional, rather than the personal side of his life. You will learn the consequences of his choices, and his attempt to correct the imbalance he created.


Challenge Session #5 – Finding Your Prosperity

In the story of “Cinderella,” you will discover how to master the conflict between money and a feeling of self-worth, and learn how true prosperity comes from the recognition your inner strengths.


Epilogue: Living Your Own Myth

 In this final workshop, you will be guided through the steps necessary to “Write Your Own Story” using examples from the stories in the course. From “how does a hero’s story parallel your own” to “what will the celebration of your journey look like,” you will write your own, unique hero’s story that will be a blueprint for your ideal life.