Welcome to the ZYGON Mind Zone

Begin your personal development journey here.

Listen Now…

Dane Spotts
Founder & Fellow Mind Warrior

I started Zygon more than 30 years ago. My mission then – as it is now – is to “empower people to realize their full potential using technology that unleashes the power of mind.”

Fast forward to today and the new Zygon App. You’ll be able to experience hundreds of streaming programs for Success Conditioning, Meditation, Abundance, Sleep/Lucid Dreaming, Accelerated Learning, courses on Mind Power, along with Mind Development Workshops and Podcasts. It truly is unlike anything you’ve experienced before. And this is just the beginning. 

Now, its time to start your journey by getting your system set up so outcome is optimized. Begin by testing your headphones and experiencing the “Zygon Mind Zone.” Click on the next link below to get your adventure going.

Thank you for joining our growing community of Mind Warriors.

~ Dane

Many Zygon programs require using HIGH QUALITY STEREO HEADPHONES to deliver sound to specific areas of  the brain.

First, watch the video then take the HEADPHONES TEST to determine if you need an upgrade. 


These videos will help you navigate the App, and show you how to optimize your “Zygon Listening Set-up” to insure your success.

Getting Started Videos

To answer the most common question, “Where do I start?” the PATHWAYS System will help you choose your ideal personal development path.


Here are some ‘quick links’ to more resources:

The Mission
A short podcast on Zygon’s Mission and your role in it.

Device Settings
Adjust Your Device Screen/Display Settings.

Zygon Community Forum
Where members meet and share their experiences.

Mind Warrior Podcast
Zygon’s Dane Spotts and Rob Hopping discuss the people and ideas on the cutting edge of human evolution.