Each Path offers a Study Guide to help optimize your experience with the programs. As you work through a Path’s Program Schedule, the Study Guide provides specific guidance for each program and gives you the ideal plan for achieving your personal development goals.

PATH #1 Study Guide

Wealth Creation & Abundance

The Plan incorporates the programs into a 30 day schedule. However if you miss a day, just pick up where you left off. Remember, the idea is to get the most out of the programs by following their order and not skipping around.


After completing the 30 Day Plan, feel free to either 1) explore another Path, 2) work this Plan again, or 3) select specific programs (from this Path) to work on. Think of this third option as ‘graduate work.‘ In other words, by completing the 30 Day Plan you’ve earned the right to jump directly to a program you want to work on. For example, you may want to go back to The Millionaire’s Mind or Brain Supercharger libraries and spend even more time with the soundtracks.

Remember, this is your journey. Explore as much as you want and focus on areas that are important to you.

DAY 1-2: Millionaire’s Mind Video Workshop

DAY 3: The Law of Attraction Video Series
(Parts 1-2)

DAY 4: The Law of Attraction Video Series
(Parts 3-5)

DAY 5: The Secret of Living the Perfect Life Audio and Video Workshop

DAYS 6-12: Millionaire’s Mind Wealth System
(Read USER GUIDE before you begin)

DAYS 13-18: Brain Supercharger Select Titles
(see USING THE PROGRAMS below for ‘How to Use’)

Attracting Wealth and Prosperity

Ultra Success Conditioning

Winning Personality & Self Image

Creativity and Problem Solving

Super Memory & Accelerated Learning

DAYS 19-28: Open Mind Success Conditioning
(Read USER GUIDE before you begin)

DAY 29: Mind Power Secrets Audio Workshop

DAY 30: Find Your Mission in Life Audio and Video Workshop

Using the programs on a regular basis is critical for achieving your personal development goals. And to get the most out of your programs, it’s important to know how to use them in your daily schedule.

There are 4 types of programs on the Zygon App:

Video Workshops are designed for active learning, so watching without distraction is required. (Headphones NOT Required)

Audio Workshops are also designed for active learning but can be listened to while driving, working out, or relaxing. (Headphones NOT Required)

Audio Meditation/Mind Scripting/ Programmer programs require a calm, quiet space where you must wear quality ear-covered headphones to achieve an optimum experience. (Headphones Required)

Audio Success Activator programs are designed to be played in the background in your home, office, or car – anywhere, anytime. (Headphones NOT Required)

Brain Supercharger: Each Title consists of 2 soundtracks – 1) Audio Programmer 2) Audio Activator. On the assigned days for using these soundtracks, play the Programmer just once, but play the Activator as often as possible. This will lock in your new success traits.

The 30 Day Plan lays out a schedule for using a Path’s programs in a set order. However, there are programs (in the Plan) that allow you to ROTATE soundtracks during their scheduled days:

Millionaires Mind Wealth System – 6 Titles/12 Soundtracks

Brain Supercharger Select Titles – 5 Titles/ 10 Soundtracks

Open Mind Success Conditioning – 10 Titles/ 20 Soundtracks

IMPORTANT: The Programmer and Activator soundtracks for each Title work together, so always play both on the same day.

It’s important to know your progress while working your Plan, so documenting your experiences by keeping a journal is the best way to track your progress.

Whether you are writing in a notebook or using your computer, daily journal entries will provide important data for measuring your progress.


Session Date/Time

Session Place

Program Title

Feelings Before/After Session

Physical Condition Before/After Session

Personal Insights After Session

Session Interruption or Unusual Circumstances

Here are More ZYGON Resources to support you on your personal development journey:

Setting Up for Success Video to optimize your listening environment.

Headphones Test to determine the quality of your headphones.

FAQ Tech Trouble Shooting for solving technical issues.

Zygon Community where members collaborate, post ideas, and talk about what it means to be a Mind Warrior.

PATH #2 Study Guide

Meditation & Transcendence

The Plan incorporates the programs into a 30 day schedule. However if you miss a day, just pick up where you left off. Remember, the idea is to get the most out of the programs by following their order and not skipping around.


After completing the 30 Day Plan, feel free to either 1) explore another Path, 2) work this Plan again, or 3) select specific programs (from this Path) to work on. Think of this third option as ‘graduate work.‘ In other words, by completing the 30 Day Plan you’ve earned the right to jump directly to a program you want to work on. 

Remember, this is your journey. Explore as much as you want and focus on areas that are important to you.

DAY 1: Meditation Secrets Video

DAYS 2-8: Ultra Meditation System
(Read USER GUIDE before you begin)

DAYS 9-17: Transcendental Mind
(Read USER GUIDE before you begin)

DAYS 18-22: Advanced Meditation
These advanced soundtracks provide a variety of meditative experiences that will take you deeper into your inner journey.



Oeyah Power Mediation

DAYS 23-30: Healing Music
(Read USER GUIDE before you begin)

Using the programs on a regular basis is critical for achieving your personal development goals. And to get the most out of your programs, it’s important to know how to use them in your daily schedule.

All of the programs on this Path – except the Meditation Secrets Video – are Audio Meditation/Mind Scripting programs. They require a calm, quiet space where you must wear quality ear-covered headphones to achieve an optimum experience. (Headphones Required)

The 30 Day Plan lays out a schedule for using a Path’s programs in a set order. However, there are programs (in the Plan) that allow you to ROTATE soundtracks during their scheduled days:

Ultra Meditation System – 5 Soundtracks

Transcendental Mind – 9 Soundtracks

Advanced Meditation – 3 Soundtracks

Healing Music – 8 Soundtracks

It’s important to know your progress while working your Plan, so documenting your experiences by keeping a journal is the best way to track your progress.

Whether you are writing in a notebook or using your computer, daily journal entries will provide important data for measuring your progress.


Session Date/Time

Session Place

Program Title

Feelings Before/After Session

Physical Condition Before/After Session

Personal Insights After Session

Session Interruption or Unusual Circumstances

Here are More ZYGON Resources to support you on your personal development journey:

Setting Up for Success Video to optimize your listening environment.

Headphones Test to determine the quality of your headphones.

FAQ Tech Trouble Shooting for solving technical issues.

Zygon Community where members collaborate, post ideas, and talk about what it means to be a Mind Warrior.

PATH #3 Study Guide

Peak Performance

The Plan incorporates the programs into a 30 day schedule. However if you miss a day, just pick up where you left off. Remember, the idea is to get the most out of the programs by following their order and not skipping around.


After completing the 30 Day Plan, feel free to either 1) explore another Path, 2) work this Plan again, or 3) select specific programs (from this Path) to work on. Think of this third option as ‘graduate work.‘ In other words, by completing the 30 Day Plan you’ve earned the right to jump directly to a program you want to work on. 

Remember, this is your journey. Explore as much as you want and focus on areas that are important to you.

DAY 1: The Law of Attraction Video Series
(Parts 1-2)

DAY 2: The Law of Attraction Video Series
(Parts 3-5)

DAY 3: The Secret of Living the Perfect Life Audio and Video Workshop

DAY 4: Find Your Mission in Life Audio and Video Workshop

DAY 5: Mind Power Secrets Audio Workshop

DAYS 6-15: Brain Supercharger Select Titles
(see USING THE PROGRAMS below for ‘How to Use’)

Attracting Wealth and Prosperity

Ultra Success Conditioning

Winning Personality & Self Image

Creativity and Problem Solving

Super Memory & Accelerated Learning

DAY 16: Project a Winner’s Image Audio Workshop

DAYS 17-20: Brain Breaks

DAYS 21-30: Thinking Body Dancing Mind

Using the programs on a regular basis is critical for achieving your personal development goals. And to get the most out of your programs, it’s important to know how to use them in your daily schedule.

There are 4 types of programs on the Zygon App:

Video Workshops are designed for active learning, so watching without distraction is required. (Headphones NOT Required)

Audio Workshops are also designed for active learning but can be listened to while driving, working out, or relaxing. (Headphones NOT Required)

Audio Meditation/Mind Scripting/ Programmer programs require a calm, quiet space where you must wear quality ear-covered headphones to achieve an optimum experience. (Headphones Required)

Audio Success Activator programs are designed to be played in the background in your home, office, or car – anywhere, anytime. (Headphones NOT Required)

Brain Supercharger: Each Title consists of 2 soundtracks – 1) Audio Programmer 2) Audio Activator. On the assigned days for using these soundtracks, play the Programmer just once, but play the Activator as often as possible. This will lock in your new success traits.

The 30 Day Plan lays out a schedule for using a Path’s programs in a set order. However, there are programs (in the Plan) that allow you to ROTATE soundtracks during their scheduled days:

Brain Supercharger Select Titles – 5 Titles/ 10 Soundtracks

Brain Breaks – 7 Soundtracks

IMPORTANT: The Brain Supercharger Programmer and Activator soundtracks for each Title work together so always play both on the same day.

It’s important to know your progress while working your Plan, so documenting your experiences by keeping a journal is the best way to track your progress.

Whether you are writing in a notebook or using your computer, daily journal entries will provide important data for measuring your progress.


Session Date/Time

Session Place

Program Title

Feelings Before/After Session

Physical Condition Before/After Session

Personal Insights After Session

Session Interruption or Unusual Circumstances

Here are More ZYGON Resources to support you on your personal development journey:

Setting Up for Success Video to optimize your listening environment.

Headphones Test to determine the quality of your headphones.

FAQ Tech Trouble Shooting for solving technical issues.

Zygon Community where members collaborate, post ideas, and talk about what it means to be a Mind Warrior.

PATH #4 Study Guide

Perfect Body & Health

The Plan incorporates the programs into a 30 day schedule. However if you miss a day, just pick up where you left off. Remember, the idea is to get the most out of the programs by following their order and not skipping around.


After completing the 30 Day Plan, feel free to either 1) explore another Path, 2) work this Plan again, or 3) select specific programs (from this Path) to work on. Think of this third option as ‘graduate work.‘ In other words, by completing the 30 Day Plan you’ve earned the right to jump directly to a program you want to work on. 

Remember, this is your journey. Explore as much as you want and focus on areas that are important to you.

DAY 1: The Law of Attraction Video Series
(Parts 1-2)

DAY 2: The Law of Attraction Video Series
(Parts 3-5)

DAY 3: The Secret of Living the Perfect Life Audio and Video Workshop

DAY 4: Find Your Mission in Life Audio and Video Video Workshop

DAYS 5-14: SuperShape System Audio Workshop

DAY 15: Mind Power Secrets Audio Workshop

DAYS 16-20: Brain Supercharger Select Titles
(see USING THE PROGRAMS below for ‘How to Use’)

Ultra Weight Control

Super Immunity & Health

Soaring Self Confidence

Winning Personality & Self Image

DAYS 21-25: Brain Breaks

DAYS 26-30: Power Naps

Using the programs on a regular basis is critical for achieving your personal development goals. And to get the most out of your programs, it’s important to know how to use them in your daily schedule.

There are 4 types of programs on the Zygon App:

Video Workshops are designed for active learning, so watching without distraction is required. (Headphones NOT Required)

Audio Workshops are also designed for active learning but can be listened to while driving, working out, or relaxing. (Headphones NOT Required)

Audio Meditation/Mind Scripting/ Programmer programs require a calm, quiet space where you must wear quality ear-covered headphones to achieve an optimum experience. (Headphones Required)

Audio Success Activator programs are designed to be played in the background in your home, office, or car – anywhere, anytime. (Headphones NOT Required)

Brain Supercharger: Each Title consists of 2 soundtracks – 1) Audio Programmer 2) Audio Activator. On the assigned days for using these soundtracks, play the Programmer just once, but play the Activator as often as possible. This will lock in your new success traits.

The 30 Day Plan lays out a schedule for using a Path’s programs in a set order. However, there are programs (in the Plan) that allow you to ROTATE soundtracks during their scheduled days:

Brain Supercharger Select Titles – 4 Titles/ 8 Soundtracks

Brain Breaks – 7 Soundtracks

Power Naps – 3 Soundtracks

IMPORTANT: The Brain Supercharger Programmer and Activator soundtracks for each Title work together so always play both on the same day.

It’s important to know your progress while working your Plan, so documenting your experiences by keeping a journal is the best way to track your progress.

Whether you are writing in a notebook or using your computer, daily journal entries will provide important data for measuring your progress.


Session Date/Time

Session Place

Program Title

Feelings Before/After Session

Physical Condition Before/After Session

Personal Insights After Session

Session Interruption or Unusual Circumstances

Here are More ZYGON Resources to support you on your personal development journey:

Setting Up for Success Video to optimize your listening environment.

Headphones Test to determine the quality of your headphones.

FAQ Tech Trouble Shooting for solving technical issues.

Zygon Community where members collaborate, post ideas, and talk about what it means to be a Mind Warrior.